Warriors And Warlords (WW) Non-Martial Activities (not including classes) on Saturday

16 May

Nordskogen Meal Plan for Campers at Warlords and Warlords

Update:  The meal plan is now at capacity and the form has been closed.

Nordskogen WW Campers! Rikkar and Judith have created a meal plan! Let us once again worry about feeding you so you can enjoy the event! Cost is $40 per person ($15 for those 10 years and under), starting Dinner on Thursday through Breakfast on Sunday.

We will have a communal dining area near the Nordskogen Pavilion, under the WW carport. Please feel free to PM me with questions/requests. (We cannot guarantee we can accommodate allergies, but it’s good to have the information available).

We’ve taken a look at the WW Schedule and have arranged meal times. We’ve done my best to work around Courts, Fights, Classes and Authorizations. These times will be posted on the kitchen tent wall once we are set up.

There will be a marked “kitchen” area that my family will be using to prep everything. Please do not enter this area unless asked, mostly for safety, but a bit of sanity too. There will be seating and tables available in the tent for people to gather at.

We will have paper plates, cutlery, and cups available but you are welcome to use your own.

While to-go boxes and delivery are not planned, with a bit of notice, we may be able to accommodate those who have commitments that may infringe on getting to meals within the window. If there is anything you need, please ask!

Meal Times:
Saturday:        Breakfast: 7-8am               Lunch: Noon-1pm             Dinner: 6-7pm
Sunday:          Breakfast: 7-8am

Authentic Encampment–All event

The goal of the Authentic Encampment is to display period appearing tents and campsites. Period cooking and demonstrations of other period arts and sciences are encouraged. Come see our recreation endeavors and talk to others about what they are doing.

Pastries with the Event Stewards—Populace Shade by the Armored and Rapier Lists–Sat.–9-9:30am

Archers’ Dressed to Kill Parade and Shoot–Saturday, 9am

Please join us Saturday morning near the Baronial tents at 9am for the Dressed to Kill parade followed by the shoot at 10am at the archery range. Time to show off that archers are as snazzily dressed as the other martial arts! Come strut like a peacock!!! Shoot sponsored by Bazyli and the brain child of Ginevra.

Coffee With The Stallari Council—Class Pavilion Class 4—Sat., 9:30-10:30am

Get to meet our Stallari Council and have some nice coffee to start your day! The Stallari Council consists of the Royalty and the Great Officers of Northshield. Northshield’s Great Officers are the Seneschal, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, the Herald, the Earl Marshal, the Minister of Arts and Sciences and the Chronicler.

The Griffin Realm Fiber Arts Guild Presents:  Dirty Dozen Largess Competition–Saturday, 11am-12:30pm

The Griffin Realm Fiber Arts Guild is conducting its first derby: Dirty Dozen. Anyone can enter. Your entry needs to be a group of 13 of the same thing. Examples of such groups of items could include 13 beads, 13 tablet weavings, 13 stuffed animals, 13 wooden chests. Please also bring a 3×5 card with your SCA name, group you are from, and what your entry consists of. There will be a bean count and anyone can vote. The Dirty Dozen will be on display in Class Pavilion Class 4 from 11am-12:30pm on Saturday.

After the display, all of the items will then go to largess as Their Royal Majesties have a gift exchange at Pennsic. Northshield will be giving gifts to the Kingdom of Ansteorra. TRMs Ansteorra have several severe allergies as our Graceful Queen of Northshield does with strawberries. Please see http://ansteorra.org/crown for the list. Please make sure everything is labeled so that we are able to give items that all can love and admire.

Come help support Their Royal Majesties and create some wonderful largess. For more information, please contact THL Dyonisia Buleheued.

Northern Narwhal Navy Naval Maneuvers–Saturday, 11am-12:30pm—Late Period Alliance Camp

Prepare your sailing vessels for the second time. Once again we will be having Northern Narwhal Navy Naval Maneuvers. So bring your vessels! Bring those of your own creation, those purchased at any cost, or those acquired by pirating ways (please keep it legal).

Vessels must

  • Be at least 5 inches in length but not exceed 12 inches.
  • Have no sharp edges as our ocean is a plastic inflated pool.
  • Carry/support at least one crew or one toy soldier provided at the event. And more if possible (one maneuver involves docking and loading cargo and crew.)
  • Be creative and have fun.
  • Please name your vessel.
  • Rubber duckies are allowed only if the above rules are met.

Rules of Play

  1. Squirt guns will be used to move the water behind the vessel to maneuver them in the pool.
  2. You may not touch the pool at any time during maneuvers.
  3. Please be respectful of those around you as we are not having a water fight.
  4. Please do not spray the judges.
  5. Any vessels sunk or entangled will remain until the conclusion of the maneuvers, then retrieved.
  6. Each maneuver will be timed, the two ships with the best time will win the prize, and become the Commandants for the final naval battle.
  7. There will be a race to the end, casualties will be possible. Vessels need at least one crew alive upon the finish to win.
  8. Naval Battle: Split the ships into two teams, shoot water at your opponent’s ship. Ship with the largest remaining crew wins the battle.
  9. Winners: First and second place will receive Letter of Mark.

Questions? Please contact La Dame Fleur-de-Lys (Tina Zimmer via Facebook messenger)

THL Helgulfr Arngeirsson’s Laurel Vigil–Authentic Encampment–Sat., 12:30-3pm

A vigil is a period of reflection in which a person contemplates becoming a Companion of a Peerage Order. Folks gather to offer the candidate their congratulations and advice. The Honorable Lord Helgulfr Arngeirsson will be sitting his Laurel Vigil on Saturday in the Authentic Encampment from 12:30-3:00pm. He will be elevated to the Order of the Laurel at court that evening.

Chroniclers Meeting—Class Pavilion Class 3—Sat., 1-1:50pm

A meeting for the Kingdom Chronicler, local chroniclers, Kingdom Chronicler Deputies, and anyone interested in learning more about the Chroniclers office, both at the kingdom and local levels.

Children’s & Youth’s Garb & Armor Exchange at the Equestrian List, Sat., 1-3pm

Hey Northshield! Are you an adult responsible for children? Do they need garb? Armor? Have the children in your life grown out of their garb or armor? If you are going to WW, take a look at your garb closet and pack up what no longer fits you or your kids to bring to the Family Faire.
One part of the Family Faire is the Children’s and Youth’s Garb and Armor Exchange. And, you may not have known that we have a table at the Exchange dedicated to larger, teen-sized kids as well as tables for kids of all other shapes and sizes. This has often been a great way for that friend of a teen who came along to the event with an SCA family at the last minute to find a great outfit to wear to Court on Saturday. Looking the part helps everyone feel like they fit in and belong.

Donations can be dropped off at the Tea Tent, Info Point or Strawboss, preferably before Noon on Friday.

  • Please bring the garb you’re willing to share.
  • The hope is for the children and their adults at the event to “shop” for garb and then for adults to “shop” for a child not present.
  • If you bring clothing to share, you may take it with you or donate the garb to be shared at another event.

Warriors and Warlords Arts and Science Display–Saturday, 1-3pm

This A&S display will be shown during Authentic Camp’s Open House, Saturday July 12th, 2024, from 1-3pm. Come and display your handy work, documentation or simply come hang out and geek about your project. The deadline to sign up is July 6th.  Please use the sign up form at this link.

A Gesture of Gratitude from Rikkar and his Embercap Inn—Saturday, 6-7pm

Hey WW!! Do you have dinner plans on Saturday night?

Rikkar and his Embercap Inn invite you to enjoy a complimentary Gyro as our gesture of gratitude for your presence at WW!!

Saturday after Court, swing by our camp and treat yourself to the delicious taste of fresh smoked lamb before heading to the Clan Blue Feather of Northshield Concordance of Games.

We will be camped with the Barony of Nordskogen, please look for our banner or for Judith’s banner.

Free will donation, with 15% of all tips/donations given back to the event! Venmo and PayPal will be available too!

While we would love to feed everyone, we are planning 100 servings. First come, first served until we run out.

Ingredients: Pita bread, smoked lamb meat, lettuce, tomato, onions, olives, and Tzatziki sauce.

(Nordskogen meal plan participants – this is included in your plan and have saved servings.)

Our Banner

Concordance of Games—Saturday, One Hour After Court—Populace Shade by the List Fields

Come one, come all to the Concordance of Games, beginning one hour after Saturday court. This is a family friendly activity, including period games, complex board games, and a sponsored (very easy to learn) dice game. Bring your gaming tokens / treasures to add to the fun. BYOB. Non-alcoholic beverages, snacks, and starter gaming tokens will be available. Sponsored by the Baronesses of Jararvellir and Nordskogen, and Northshield Blue Feather Clan.